Obviously, I wrote about this topic some time ago. Here’s the original post: Post. Basically, the issue was that I needed to maintain multiple versions of my Revit plugin, to […]
create ceiling plan by room
This is actually a pretty old topic. I first wrote about it back in 2015. Here’s the original post: Post Basically the idea was that I wanted to create Room […]
In depth look at Dynamo and Revit relationship w/ Bimbeats
Bimbeats is a set of plugins for the most popular AEC applications like Revit and Dynamo, but also Rhino, Grasshopper, Navis, CAD and soon IFC. These plugins allow you to […]
creating curtain wall plans/elevations pt2
Oh boy. Dimensions. That one is fun. So I promised to turn this into a series of posts, and series it is. Mostly because there is a lot to talk […]
Chicago Dynamo Community aka ChiNamo
I will be presenting at Chinamo on March 12 at 5.30pm. Please stop by, and ask me about Dynamo, Revit, programming, data, viz, Bimbeats, Bad Monkeys and whatever else you […]
Finding out if a Curtain Wall is embedded inside of another Wall
So not too long ago, a question was posed to me on LinkedIn – of all places – whether it was possible to find out if a Curtain Wall was […]
creating curtain wall plans/elevations
I am not sure this would be useful for anybody, but some time ago, I was tasked with creating floor plans and elevations for each interior curtain wall partition. The […]
remove unused 3d view templates
I think everyone who’s been using Dynamo for a while now, knows that 3d view templates are a no go. They have been since day 1 of Dynamo. Why? It’s […]
new year, new life
OK, so I think it’s time to make this official. I am a father! Yes. What an adventure that is. Shutout to all the dads out there! It’s only been […]