All posts tagged documentation
creating curtain wall plans/elevations pt2
Oh boy. Dimensions. That one is fun. So I promised to turn this into a series of posts, and series it is. Mostly because there is a lot to talk […]
creating curtain wall plans/elevations
I am not sure this would be useful for anybody, but some time ago, I was tasked with creating floor plans and elevations for each interior curtain wall partition. The […]
importing PDFs made easy
Recently when I was scouring the Dynamo blog for a question that would be remotely useful I came across a request that I could sink my teeth into pretty quickly. […]
automating curtain wall documentation with dynamo
First off, huge thanks to Brian Ringley for letting me borrow his robot for this. :-) Now, in all seriousness, I usually post here source code and solutions, but this […]
revisions on sheet w/ dynamo
This is one of those things that we all have to do, but very rarely actually want to. Ticking off all of the appropriate “Revisions on Sheet” for every sheet in […]
room occupancy load with dynamo
Below is a link to a sneak peak video of a Dynamo functionality that I am currently working on. The goal is to create a definition that will analyze all […]