All posts tagged computational
text width shenanigans
I can’t really believe that this is still an issue, or that it was ever an issue. Yet, here we are. Back in Revit 2017, I don’t remember exactly, but […]
submitting code to DynamoRevit repo
With the Dynamo 1.3 release, there was also a new version of DynamoRevit tools that were released. Some of you might already know this, but DynamoRevit is nothing more but […]
think parametric – accessing the power of visibility overrides
Some time ago, when I made my first video for Think Parametric, we were talking about doing another one, but this time using custom content. At the time, the idea […]
create view by room with dynamo
This is another one of the long overdue posts, or if someone prefers, posts that I have been sitting on for a while and just didn’t have time to release […]
element tagging with dynamo
Today I was asked to help create some roof plans for a glass canopy system and then tag each panel with its unique Mark value. Well, this sounds easy enough […]