All posts tagged scripting
using bimbeats to prevent accidental occurrences of users working directly in a central file
What and why. I don’t normally write about Bimbeats since it’s a paid software, and I feel like promoting it on my blog would somehow violate my integrity. At the […]
Spell Checking w/ Dynamo
I am not sure how useful this would be, but I saw a question on the Dynamo Forum, where someone was asking about potential to Spell Check their Schedules in […]
remove unused 3d view templates
I think everyone who’s been using Dynamo for a while now, knows that 3d view templates are a no go. They have been since day 1 of Dynamo. Why? It’s […]
importing PDFs made easy
Recently when I was scouring the Dynamo blog for a question that would be remotely useful I came across a request that I could sink my teeth into pretty quickly. […]
playing with Power Shell commands and Post Build events.
So I have been working recently on making the Mission Control (MC) repository, a little more developer/user friendly. I am saying “user” as I am considering developers to really be […]
size matters…or so I was told
I have recently been looking into obtaining file size for a Revit project. It’s one of these file size tracking dashboards that everyone seems to have handy these days that […]
wall chamfers of equal length
This came by my desk the other day from one of my colleagues in San Francisco office. He was wondering how to automate or semi-automate creation of wall chamfers of […]
removing controlled parameters from view templates
It’s been a while since I wrote a post on Dynamo workflows, but it has also been a while since I have been using Dynamo for anything. I kind of […]
how to maintain revit plug-ins for multiple versions
One thing that we all have a love/hate relationship with is API breaking changes. Yes, we all love shiny new toys, but they usually break our old reliable tools. What […]