All posts tagged AEC
using bimbeats to prevent accidental occurrences of users working directly in a central file
What and why. I don’t normally write about Bimbeats since it’s a paid software, and I feel like promoting it on my blog would somehow violate my integrity. At the […]
playing with Power Shell commands and Post Build events.
So I have been working recently on making the Mission Control (MC) repository, a little more developer/user friendly. I am saying “user” as I am considering developers to really be […]
positioning computational designers in your business – more things to consider
Nate Miller from Proving Ground has recently written a thoughtful post on Computational Designer. I found it spot on in some regards, but also felt that, some things were left […]
AEC Technology Symposium and Hackathon…
It’s that time of the year again! TT’s AEC Symposium, Hackathon and Workshops are here, and I will be attending again, so should you! I am actually proud to say […]
visualizing wall type usage with Mandrill
So, I wanted to give everyone a piece of practical use of Mandrill by hooking it up to Revit. What we are going to do here, is visualize Wall Types […]
AEC technology symposium 2014
Coming up is AEC Technology Symposium that I will be attending. It will be a two day event with presentations and an all night hackathon. Sign up and hope to […]