image by grimshaw


ARCHI-LAB, LLC is a digital engineering consultancy that provides a wide range of services. If you are an Architect, an Engineer, a Contractor or a Manufacturer, I will be happy to work with you on the most challenging design, computation or documentation problems. My specialty is creating custom workflows that improve efficiency. I can design and build custom applications for a variety of different construction and design software, as well as solve technical building and design problems using visual or textual software development workflows.

What makes ARCHI-LAB, LLC suited for this type of work, is that I come from a background in the AEC industry, working as a designer, BIM Specialist and finally a software developer at some of the world leading design and engineering companies like Grimshaw, HOK or Bad Monkeys. I am not only skilled in software development, but also speak your language, making working together a truly enjoyable experience.

Here are some of the services that I can offer:

  • Software development – I can create stand alone applications as well as plugins for many of the existing construction software. I am comfortable with many languages, and frameworks from C# to Python and JavaScript. Whether we are designing a desktop apps or web-app, ARCHI-LAB, LLC has the skills and experience to deliver them all.
  • Computation workflow development – I have a wealth of experience in visual programming tools like Dynamo and Grasshopper. I can use these skills to help you design and document some of the most challenging projects out there. Whether it’s helping with translating and documenting your designs, helping with interoperability challenges or simply improving efficiency via computational BIM workflows, I can help with them all.
  • Training – interested in learning how to do it yourself? I can help. Over the years I have ran workshops all across the world teaching visualization, data analytics, programming, visual programming and computational BIM workshops. From teaching at conferences like BILT, ACADIA or TT Symposium to running Hackathons and Dynamo Workshops, I can train your staff in the most cutting edge technologies, programming languages, and computational tools.
  • Data Analytics – My specialty is data analytics and visualizations. From using visual programming tools like Dynamo to developing highly sophisticated software like Bimbeats, I have a full range of experience in the field of data analysis for the AEC companies. I can offer custom tool and workflow development as well as training for companies that want to take their data game to the next level.
  • Interoperability – Struggling with translating your design models from design software like Rhino to documentation software like Revit? I can help with that. With experience in development of custom interoperability plugins for Rhino and Revit, I can help your team go from design to documentation without losing a step in between.

Here are some of the tools that I have developed over the years:

  • Mantis Shrimp – Dynamo and Grasshopper packages, that allows users to transfer data and geometry from Rhino/Grasshopper to Dynamo/Revit. [More]
  • Bumblebee – Dynamo package that allows users to read and write Excel data from Dynamo. [More]
  • Mandrill – Dynamo/Grasshopper package that allows users to visualize data using d3.js framework. [More]
  • – Dynamo packages that contains hundreds of Revit API, GitHub, CSV and many other utilities. [More]
  • the-Saurus – Dynamo View Extension that gives users auto-completion suggestions for nodes, built around the idea that you can train a predictive ML algorithm to anticipate what node to place next in your Dynamo script (collaboration project, please see link for full credits). [More]
  • Zombie – Windows Service that allows users to use GitHub’s Deployment pipeline to keep your software up to date (credit to HOK as I was employed there when working on it). [More]
  • Mission Control – a web-app for visualizing and analyzing Revit models aka. health and quality control of Revit models (credit to HOK as I was employed there when working on it). [More]
  • Kitchautomation – a suite of tools for commercial kitchen design. From custom family configurators, to design and documentation management tools.
  • Bimbeats – a data pipelines software for extracting and visualizing data for some of the most popular AEC apps like Revit, Dynamo, CAD, Navis, Rhino, Grasshopper, FlexLM, Deltek Vision etc. (credit to Bimbeats Pty Ltd as technically I am a co-founder and CTO of that company as well). [More]
  • Honeybee/Dragonfly – a Honeybee and Dragonfly plugins for Revit. Honeybee is one of the most popular Energy Analysis tools in the industry. Bringing the power and flexibility of Ladybug Tools to Revit users will be a game changer in the environmental analysis. [More]
  • In smaller capacity I have also participated in various team projects like Unify (Rhino to Unity interop plugin, collaboration with Leland Jobson/Grimshaw [More]), HOK VR (Unity based VR Viewer, collaboration with Adam Chernick/HOK) or Desk Jockey (Rhino inside Revit app for desk aggregation, collaboration with Chuck Driesler/HOK).

Over the years I have also developed a number of domain specific tools like Assembly/Spool Manager – a Revit plugin developed to help MEP Contractors streamline their design to manufacturing process. [More] Staying on the MEP side of things, I was also involved in developing a Forge based solution for managing Spools via a web-app. Besides that I have also worked on CADmep tools for cloud based MEP delivery system.

Besides working on various Dynamo, Grasshopper, Revit, Rhino, Unity or CAD plugins, I have also spoke or taught at various conferences, schools and user groups all around the world.

Here are some of the conferences that I taught/presented at:

  • BILT NA – Data Day talk on Mission Control, interoperability talk on Mantis Shrimp, Dynamo labs on Bumblebee, Mandrill, Python programming etc.
  • BILT AUS – Dynamo labs on Bumblebee, Python etc.
  • Sydney Computation Design Group – talk on Design Technology
  • University of New South Wales – talk on Design Technology
  • AU Las Vegas – Mission Control talk
  • TT Symposium – ran multiple labs on data visualization using Dynamo and Mandrill
  • AIA Tap – talk on Design Technology
  • CityTech – workshop for architecture students on interoperability
  • ACADIA – Dynamo labs in 2016 and 2017 (3-days each)
  • SFDUG – talk on data visualization using Dynamo – Mandrill
  • Gilbane – Dynamo workshops (3-days)

Please feel free to reach out to me at konrad [at] badmonkeys [dot] net