Oh my! Conference season is in full swing. I already posted that I will be at AU with Bimbeats and at AEC Tech in NY – although virtually for that last one. Now, I wanted to let you all know that I will be teaching a Revit API course at Chicago Innovate Tech 2022 Symposium. This is a brand new event organized by the same great people that brought to you AEC Tech in NY. Huge thank you to Hiram Rodriguez for leading the effort and bringing, what shapes out to be a fantastic event, to Chicago.
This is a 2 day event. On October 20th, we will be teaching a series of workshops. I will specifically teach some Revit API, but there are a whole set of other super cool workshops. Folks from Pollination, Speckle, McNeel or even NVIDIA will be in the house teaching energy simulation, interoperability or visualization. It’s awesome stuff!
You can sign up for Archi-lab’s workshop here: Link It’s super affordable at $50 for a 4h Revit API course. Again, just like I said with the AEC Tech workshop, I don’t set the prices, but $50 is a bargain.
I will also be on a panel titled “Startups and AECO Incubators” along with some awesome folks from Cohesion, Orbital Stack, Hypar, and Pollination. It sounds like it will be a great panel. This will take place on a second day, October 21st at 10.50AM. More info here: Link
UPDATE 10/03/2022: It turns out that NOBODY signed up for this in-person workshop, and we had to make the difficult decision of cancelling it. Survival of the fittest at its best. :-)