AEC tech | 2022 NYC

It’s that time of the year again. Summer is coming to a close, Fall is coming, and so are our favorite conferences and in person events. This year shapes out to be super busy for Archi-lab (me) as I will be participating in a handful of different events. This particular post is about my clear favorite, the beloved AEC tech. I used to live in NYC, so I could easily attend it in person, meet up and hang out with friends new and old. However, I won’t be able to make it in person this year, I will still be teaching a virtual workshop spreading the gospel of the Revit API.

Just like last year, this year I am teaching a full day class on Revit API. Last year we did some project setup, project management in Visual Studio as well as basic setup for a few tools. We also touched base on basic WPF and I think I wanted to talk about External Events , but didn’t really had time for that. This year, I want to continue building on what we did last year. I am not going to go over the basics again. We will start from where we left off last year, and build a more complex tool, but at the same time we will spend more time on actual tool development and debugging rather than doing yet another Revit API 101. Let’s call this Revit API 201. We are moving up!

Here’s the description of the class:

You can sign up for the class here: Eventbrite

You can see the Symposium page here: AEC tech 2022

Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions!


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  1. Cool! Is last year’s material available online? Will you create and share this year’s? I’ll be happy to highlight it on The Building Coder for you. Good luck and have fun teaching (and learning :-). Cheers, Jeremy.

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