All posts tagged computation
door numbering v2.0 for dynamo 0.8.0
First of all, huge thanks to Brian Washburn for taking the original Door Numbering definition and upgrading it to Dynamo 0.8.0 version. Also, Brian pointed out to me a handful […]
framing model checker with dynamo
This little workflow was inspired by work done by awesome folks at TT Core. For those of you familiar with the TTX tools its nothing new, but if you are not, […]
image exporter for dynamo
This post has been long overdue, but I had gotten quite busy at work and basically have been hording all of these ideas. The image exporter came about when I […]
topo tools for dynamo
This past week; or maybe two weeks ago; I had some time on my hands and started playing around with Heron for Grasshopper. For those of you familiar with Heron […]
mantis shrimp – tutorial series…
I have been getting a lot of questions about Mantis Shrimp in the past, and it seems like a lot of people have been having trouble using it, so here […]
ripples component for dynamo
In this post i will go back in time a little bit and talk about Dynamo 0.6.3. This is a script that I have wrote when I was asked by […]
sheets from excel with dynamo
In this post I will present a quick workflow for getting new sheets into Revit using an Excel spreadsheet. You will ask me: Why in the world would you do […]
drawing list management with dynamo
This is not your typical workflow for managing a drawing list, but due to some complicated/overlapping schedule and need to possibly issue drawings with the same number (yet part of […]