This design is a response to an unusual brief that called for a healthcare facility of previously unheard scale. It’s easily the largest hospital in the country, but also in the North America. Cannon Design approached this problem by creating a community of “right-sized” buildings. They are capable of retaining an individual identity while communicating and relating to each other. At the street level it responds directly to pedestrians, by creating structures and material articulations of smaller magnitude. Higher up the building it responds to neighborhoods through use of materials over large areas as well as creating “three towers” mass, that projects CHUM’s identity and places it amongst the important buildings in the City. My tasks on the project varied from design to part-time BIM management, construction documentation, coordination as well as providing Revit support to team members.
Concept Ideas:
Open spaces occur throughout the project in strategic locations, providing orientation, sunlight, views to the city and landscape beyond. They link the organizational and circulation spines, providing refreshing experiences during the healing and care process. The Amphitheatre building is an iconic ‘expressive’ form nestled within the entry garden and providing visitors with a place where cultural enrichment is a fundamental element of visiting, working in or passing by.
BIM Management:
During CD phase I frequently split time between documentation and BIM Management. At 2,880,000 sq ft this project was the largest, under construction project in North America at that time. BIM Management on a project this size was a unique challenge and given the sheer size of the project I would have not been able to handle it myself. I was just one of the many BIM Managers overseeing operations for the Chicago office of Cannon Design.
All visualizations are courtesy of Cannon Design VU Team.