All posts in Mantis Shrimp
building shape tools for dynamo
This is part two, of the so far two part series, on Heron tools for Grasshopper and their adaptation to generate topography and buildings from IMG/SHP files. The idea is […]
topo tools for dynamo
This past week; or maybe two weeks ago; I had some time on my hands and started playing around with Heron for Grasshopper. For those of you familiar with Heron […]
mantis shrimp – tutorial series…
I have been getting a lot of questions about Mantis Shrimp in the past, and it seems like a lot of people have been having trouble using it, so here […]
building data – harnessing the power of Grasshopper to schedule data in Revit
The topic of today’s post is quite vague so let me elaborate. Often time I find myself working on projects that from the early schematic design to late CD’s were […]
dynamo to grasshopper – new mantis shrimp
Couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with Mostapha (@__Mostapha__) about Mantis Shrimp plug in that I was working on, and he suggested that I rebuilt it from ground […]
colored surface analysis display with mantis shrimp and ladybug continued…
In my previous post I talked at length about the new tools (surface analysis display) for Dynamo that I was working on. With that previous set of tools I was […]
analysis visualization with ladybug & mantis shrimp
In this post i will demonstrate two methods for generating Analysis Display Style: This has been a work in progress for quite some time. Actually, while in the process of […]
mantis shrimp – export/import 3dm (nurbs surface)
In my previous post I showed how to export Geometry from Grasshopper using Mantis Shrimp. In this post I want to go over reading/importing 3dm files directly from Rhino. If […]
mantis shrimp – export/import grasshopper (points)
In a previous post I have discussed a few things that you need to check to get started with Mantis Shrimp. In this post i will go over a specific […]