All posts in Python
spaces and space tags w/ dynamo
Ok, so recently I have made contact with a Mechanical Engineer that was getting his toes wet with Dynamo. Of course he has had some questions about workflows and different […]
revisions on sheet w/ dynamo
This is one of those things that we all have to do, but very rarely actually want to. Ticking off all of the appropriate “Revisions on Sheet” for every sheet in […]
printing PDFs w/ dynamo
Some time ago I have spotted this post by Sol Armor at DynamoBIM forum, asking about printing PDFs out of Dynamo and I was a little sad that we didn’t […]
door numbering v2.0 for dynamo 0.8.0
First of all, huge thanks to Brian Washburn for taking the original Door Numbering definition and upgrading it to Dynamo 0.8.0 version. Also, Brian pointed out to me a handful […]
building shape tools for dynamo
This is part two, of the so far two part series, on Heron tools for Grasshopper and their adaptation to generate topography and buildings from IMG/SHP files. The idea is […]
topo tools for dynamo
This past week; or maybe two weeks ago; I had some time on my hands and started playing around with Heron for Grasshopper. For those of you familiar with Heron […]